
Educator Voices and Perspectives

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Through Kaleidoscope, Knowles shares stories from teachers about teaching, leading and learning.

About Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscope strives to provide readers and writers a public space for discourse and dialogue about the knowledge and expertise of teachers and the complexity of our profession. We believe that teachers are well-positioned to improve education in their classrooms and beyond, and we know the power that storytelling and knowledge sharing can hold in the process of transforming educational outcomes for students.

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Current Issue – Spring 2024

What has been a pivotal moment for you? Maybe someone asked you, “Why?” Or perhaps you learned a new way of looking at things. Maybe the pandemic forced you to redefine a value. In education, there are hundreds of pivotal moments throughout our careers, and no matter how small, they shape us into our current selves. In this issue of Kaleidoscope, read about these pivotal moments and grapple with the new ways of being that arise from them.

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